Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cold Rock Ice Creamery @ Holland Village

As promised, presenting Cold Rock!

Looks good but my sister and I thought Cold Stone fared better (what's with all the similar names? Marble Slab, Cold Rock, Cold Stone) For around 10 bucks, we felt it wasn't that worth it. Heh. Anyways, pictures are still droolworthy!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Everything with Fries @ Holland Village

Sorry, when I edited the pictures the shades turned out a bit off.
Above is the tandoori chicken sandwich my sister had. 

And another shot of the sandwich.

As its name suggests, you must have fries when you're here!
Sister ordered sour cream and onion. Yumz.

My ham and cheese sandwich.

With my garlic and herb fries. 

Coming soon: Cold Rock Ice Creamery!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cakes @ Cedele, Raffles City

Yum. Carrot cake is my comfort food. Given a choice, I would definitely eat carrot cake every day. Seriously. This was as heavenly as it looked. Topped with a thick layer of oh so glorious cream cheese, and smothered with lots and lots of walnuts. This one's a keeper.


And our second cake. Chocolate Banana Espresso. Just as great as the carrot. Looked too indulgent or 'jelak' at first glance, but it turned out to be a pretty light cake. The chocolate sponge was complemented nicely with a layer of sweet banana. That's cereal on the top, by the way. Nice touch, but I wouldn't call it the highlight of the cake. Aha.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Feringghi Grill @ Rasa Sayang Resort, Penang

The grill, a lovely place my family would choose to go for special occasions. And indeed we returned this time for a celebration, my youngest sister's 12th birthday. 

Naturally I had the salmon, being the seafoodie I am. The waiters were too nice, they even offered me another sauce to try with the salmon, as they thought the lemon butter sauce would've been a better complement instead of my chosen Hollandaise.

The boyfriend's beef cheek. Don't know how this one tasted but I doubt it was anything less than amazing. 

Mom, Dad and youngest sister each had this. The famed Cod on a Plank. Literally. I nibbled a bite off this one and it certainly lived up to its name. This codfish will undoubtedly be the reason I'll be returning to the grill for my birthday! 

The Handburger @ Raffles City

Who says food porn isn't good for you?

The Handburger at Raffles City has always been a favourite among shoppers, filled to the brim especially during peak hours. It takes forever to get a seat unless you're patient or like me, you decide to go early to beat the 'traffic'. I remember there were very few patrons during the time I visited, around half the restaurant was occupied then. The queue buster: Indulge by 630. 

My sister ordered the set, which came with a choice of appetizer. Most places would simply offer the usual mushroom soup as their so called 'Soup of the Day', but not here. You get a fresh variety of soups to spoil your taste buds, ranging from the Corny Chicken Soup (pictured previously) to the Pumpkin and Crab Bisque. Exotic, eh?

Anyways, sister wanted a beef burger, and the waitress recommended the Original. 
Well whenever you're in doubt, always go for the Original, folks. Works for us everytime.

And lo and behold, my Portobello Mushroom Burger. Move aside, Delicious. Here's the read deal. Look at the size of that gloriously delightful mushroom 'patty'! One slice into it and you're in mushroom heaven. No kidding. Filled with lots and lots spinach (enough to compete with Popeye), walnuts, parmesan cheese and tofu bits, it's so tasty you forget that it's vegetarian. And that's the amazing effect of the humble portobello mushroom.