Monday, December 26, 2011

S'mores @ Home

Taken off Wikipedia: A s'more (sometimes spelled smore) is a traditional nighttime campfire treat popular in the United States and Canada consisting of a roastedmarshmallow and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker.

Made smores everyday for almost a week! Made mine with Jacobs crackers, chocolate pastilles, marshmallows and a whole lotta whipped cream.



Lunch @ Ye Olde Penang Coffee Shop & Cakes @ China House

Sorry folks I couldn't remember the name of the old coffee shop my dad took us during his lunch break. Was one of those rare occasions when the whole family went to the apparent CBD in Penang to lunch with pops. Above is the fried rice. Not bad, but not that great either.

You get the usual mix of prawns and spring onions.

We were here mostly for the highly acclaimed roti babi. 

Yes,you heard right. Pork bread. Hahaha. Looks like the traditional chun pheah, but it actually tastes more like a french toast with minced pork stuffing. Quite nice, to be honest. 

Lam Mee. My family finished this within minutes. Reminded me of the same dish we get back home in Sitiawan. The gravy was so fragrant you can't help but slurp it off your plate. Plenty of chicken slices and veggies in there as well.

China House. I've heard many rave reviews about the place from Mom and friends and we finally came here for dessert. My dad had his mandatory 'after lunch' cappucino.

Of course we indulged in a couple of sweet treats. What would the world be like without cakes?
Above is the chocolate cake. Sinful to the last bite.

Italian cake. I loved this one, because of all the walnuts and cream cheese. Much like a carrot cake, but less dense. Mom didn't like this one though. Strange.

And the highlight of the three: tiramisu. Layers and layers of heaven. A must-try from China House. Need I say more?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cedele Revisited @ Wheelock Place

This is seriously the best vegetarian meal I've ever had. Amazing. Presenting the famous beetroot burger from Cedele. Thanks Liani for recommending!

Just take a look at that! The beetroot patty was a refreshing change, it didn't taste odd at all. In fact, it had a tangy curry flavour that left me grinning from ear to ear till the last bite!

Ah. The red velvet definitely did not disappoint. Lovely, the cream cheese was not too overwhelming, and the   cake itself was super addictive. I love my red velvet. I'm so having red velvet for my wedding cake. 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pizzas @ La Nonna, Holland Village and Pupella Pizza, Ion Orchard

La Nonna's Lunch Promotion - half off everything! Go before it ends.
Above: My fantastic Nera pizza. Squid ink is awesome. Fresh seafood too.

At the basement of Ion Orchard, you get loads of food choices ranging from Indian to Vietnamese. Today, we decided to go Italian for a change. Pizzas here are thin crust and made from scratch. Prices are from 7.50-9 for a large slice. A bit pricey but the quality is not bad.

Some four cheese pizza. Super cheesy. So only for cheese fanatics. (Not me, became a bit overpowering after the first few bites.)

Olive, ricotta and anchovies? I think. Hehe. This was better than the first one. Now if only I could remember the actual name.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spinelli's Coffee

Orange Carrot Cake. This was average, nothing compared to the awesome carrot walnut cake at Cedele.

Now this, this was amazing. Green tea latte. Better than starbucks, we concluded. Cheaper too.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Cedele @ Takashimaya, Orchard and Medzs @ Orchard Central, Somerset

My absolutely delish grilled chicken sandwich with avocado and pumpkin bread. You must try the pumpkin bread, seriously it's the best I've had. And which other eatery offers pumpkin bread?! 

Shared a rich and tasty Wild Mushroom Soup. The picture doesn't show how huge this bowl was. Three girls could share one of this. And that's pretty decent considering it's 9 bucks per bowl, plus the free flow of bread from the counter.

Carol's Spiced Carrot soup. Smelled pretty good, didn't try it though. 

Carol's Turkey Bacon and Avocado. I love, love, love avocado so this must have been good too. It's one of their Must-tries on the menu.

Dinner: Medzs at Orchard Central. Been quite a regular since I found out about this place. Plus, I get a 25% discount till end Aug! Really worth it, compared to that other Swedish place (heheh) Above: Mixed Grill of Lamb and Beef. From the kebab counter.

I forgot what this was. It's from the kebab counter too. Very popular choice I noticed, and you should go early to avoid the crowds and queues.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kong Heng Coffee Shop @ Ipoh

We always, and I mean, ALWAYS, stop by Ipoh for our food stops whenever we go outstation and it's on the way. The food is just too good! Above: Dad's favourite, the Ipoh Kuey Teow with chicken. He orders this every time, never gets sick of it.

Above: Poh piah. Not the soggy kind, like you get in Penang, but it's not too dry either, with loads of bangkuang (radish) and some homemade chili. Finished one whole poh piah within seconds. Really good.

Sister and mom both had curry mee. Smelled awesome. There were loads of condiments inside, more than what I see usually, including taupok, fish balls, fried sweet potato/yam?

And this time we tried something different, another famous dish, the Sotong Kangkong. Boy, have we been missing out on the good stuff! 

Just take a look at that. The curry was really, really good. I found myself eating at least half of the plate.