Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kong Heng Coffee Shop @ Ipoh

We always, and I mean, ALWAYS, stop by Ipoh for our food stops whenever we go outstation and it's on the way. The food is just too good! Above: Dad's favourite, the Ipoh Kuey Teow with chicken. He orders this every time, never gets sick of it.

Above: Poh piah. Not the soggy kind, like you get in Penang, but it's not too dry either, with loads of bangkuang (radish) and some homemade chili. Finished one whole poh piah within seconds. Really good.

Sister and mom both had curry mee. Smelled awesome. There were loads of condiments inside, more than what I see usually, including taupok, fish balls, fried sweet potato/yam?

And this time we tried something different, another famous dish, the Sotong Kangkong. Boy, have we been missing out on the good stuff! 

Just take a look at that. The curry was really, really good. I found myself eating at least half of the plate.

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