Sunday, January 31, 2010


Is it me or do I have an unusual craving for Indian food every weekend? Good thing this place was open as Thaipusam was just yesterday.
Located at the Tg Bungah area, Karaikudi has always been one of my favourite Indian restaurants.  It’s nearby, reasonably priced and of course, there’s great food.
I had my all time fave, the onion rawa thosai. As always, the thosai came hot and crisp to the very last bite, with tons of garlic, onion and carrot bits hidden within.  Mom and sis had their favourite, the roti canai. I shall just quote my mom, “this is the best roti canai I’ve ever had'”.
And I’m telling you, for someone who can’t resist roti canai, when my mom says something like that, she means it.
For our veggie fix, we ordered their specialty, the Vegetable Jalfrize (pronounced Jal-frai-z) (we being dungu ordering it for the first time pronounced it wrongly :P) Good stuff. Almost like Aloo Gobi but much better as it has so many other vegetables in there, like capsicums, long beans, brinjal and carrots.
If you love Indian food or think you might like Indian food but have yet to try it, Karaikudi’s definitely the place for you.
Rating: 4.8/5
Official website

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