Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sardine Rolls

One thing I dislike – puff pastry. Don’t you find it so darn troublesome to eat it while keeping the stuff from falling apart into a million flakes? It is so unnecessary, not when you have the choice of having the rich, solid pastry like I had with these rolls.
250 g butter
500 g flour
pinch of salt
cold water
1. Fold all ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Bind with cold water.
2. Leave in fridge for a while.
1 can sardine (do not use all the liquid)
chopped onions
chopped chilli
1 squeeze of lemon juice
pinch of salt
1. Roll out dough thinly. Cut into rectangles.
2. Place filling on dough and roll. Make little cuts on rolls before brushing them with egg yolk.
3. Bake for 40 mins at 175°C.

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