Monday, July 26, 2010

Hong Kong Food Trip Part VIII : Breakfast at Delifrance

I know what you're thinking.
 "Delifrance in Hong Kong?! That's ridiculous! Why would I want to have breakfast there when I should be having a traditional dimsum meal or something?"
Well, sometimes you just crave your Western breakfast. And this was one of those times.
Above is the Apple Strudel I ordered. Being the sugar lover I am, I thoroughly enjoyed this. The puff pastry may have been a little too flaky ( I hate it when everything just falls apart and all you're left with is the inner layer) but the sweet apple filling was delish! Not sour at all.

Sisters ordered the same set, their breakfast sandwich. Served toasted and crispy, this is without a doubt one of the best meals to start your day.

Cheese, ham and eggs. What more can you ask for in a breakfast sandwich? :)

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