Friday, April 9, 2010

XuanXin @ Gurney Plaza

Okay, I'm not a big fan of Chinese food, to be honest. But once in a while, the family (more of the parents) would decide to have a proper Chinese meal. So we the children would unwillingly reciprocate. Majority doesn't always win, figures. There are quite a lot of places here in Penang that offer traditional home cooked food aka 'JOO CHAR', but none of them are located in shopping centres. Except this one. I mean, what a great way to increase clientele by opening in a mall? Eat first, shop later. Or vice versa. Brilliant. 

The restaurant is located in the new wing, highest floor. Quite a large area with many tables and even two private rooms. Very high tech too, you can call the waiter for that extra napkin or request for more water at the touch of a button. Plus, it keeps the kids happy. "Ooh I wanna press the button!"

Here's a look at the food we ordered.
Claypot tofu. With carrots, cabbage, mushrooms, the usual.

Sweet and sour pork.

Stir-fried long beans. I swear I saw this on EVERY table.

My favourite, the fish with celery, mushrooms and preserved vegetables. Doesn't exactly sound appetising, but it tastes awesome.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm no Chinese food lover, but this place is definitely worth the second trip. :)

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