Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Afternoon Tea @ Delicious, Straits Quay

Afternoon Tea. The name itself is synonymous with gourmet teas, tiered sandwiches, and of course, scones with a generous serving of the oh so delicious clotted cream. The whole dining experience is reminiscent of one you get at a colonial tea parlour, with the Claire de Lune on repeat in the background. Previously, Penangites were subjected to ridiculously priced afternoon tea sets at the E&O hotel, which I've blogged about previously. It was the closest you get to feeling 'royal', right in little Penang. 

You can now get your share of the royal treatment at a place other than the usual hotel coffee houses. Location - Straits Quay, the newest hotspot, or rather 'watering hole' for the who's who in Penang. 

The little sister ordered her turkey ham and cheese toastie as she was starving after her school activities. 

Even the simple combination of heavenly cheese on toast could make anyone drool. Not forgetting the smell!

Her Melted Chocolate Pot with  Marshmallows. And the verdict: 'The marshmallows are so fluffy I can die!'

And the moment you've all been waiting for...

... Three tiers of yummy goodness!

Four different kinds of finger sandwiches: Smoked salmon with cream cheese (5 stars from me), cucumber, egg mayo and tuna. There were also some duck confit in pastry but I didn't manage to get a shot of them.

Tier two: Lovely scones, paired with cream and jam. They gave us some truffles (the chocolate, not the mushrooms!) as well as some strawberry 'satays', ala fondue with the chocolate dipping sauce on the side.

The savoury cheese biscuits. Interesting taste, but not exactly fantastic in my opinion. I would like my cookies sweet, please.

As for the top tier, you get a choice of any cake on display, so we opted for the latest addition, their white chocolate tart. And boy, were we in for a treat! It was so yummy my sister even wanted to lick the crumbs off the plate. See the picture above? The top's covered in some white chocolate ganache, but below that you get a wonderful layer of banana (yes, bananas!) and caramel filling, waiting to ooze out from the equally amazing pastry shell. Gosh, I am already daydreaming about it now as I type this. I am definitely returning there again to try the rest of their heavenly desserts.

Edit (15/5) : I recently found out that we were served the Banoffee Pie instead of the White Chocolate Tart. Although we did enjoy our banana toffee dessert (to the crumbs!), I'd still give Delicious minus points for getting our order wrong. Tsk tsk.

Delicious, you have certainly met my expectations, what with a name like that! Don't worry, I'll be back soon with more updates on the rest of their delish offerings.


ⒹⓐⓡⓡⓔⓃ said...

Thanks for your dropping by at my blog. I really adore your pictures. May i know which model of DSLR do you use?
Anyway, mind to update me the price of this afternoon tea set? =)

A little black sheep. said...

Hi Darren, thanks for the compliments, I don't even use a DSLR for my pictures! Just a Canon Ixus 130. The afternoon tea sets are priced at RM59.90++, you can find out more at

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