Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Opera Cake @ Ritz Bakery, Prima Tanjung

Mom was feeling pretty happy yesterday and gave me the liberty of choosing a whole cake from Ritz. It's definitely one of the best sensations one can get, seriously. Felt like a little kid choosing the cutest puppy from the pet store. 

I was stumped. Didn't know which to choose and ended up asking the lady at the counter. I don't like cheesecakes and mousse-filled cakes are a no-no, so that cut down the options left. Opera cake seemed to be the best choice.

Ooh la la. Not too sweet, this is what you call a good, wait no scratch that, GREAT coffee table cake. Layers and layers of who knows what but to be honest I don't really care what's the 'what' as long as it's good and makes my tummy happy. I'm also pretty sure I tasted some coffee in there. Coffee + chocolate = BOOMZ.

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